Thursday, September 6, 2007

America’s Unspoken Civil War


America’s Unspoken Civil War

By Gordon Duff

Over the past decades, America has planned and executed civil wars across the globe, turning nation after nation into a cesspool of blood, as “tool of foreign policy.”   Now the cabal that has kept the world aflame for a lifetime or longer has now turned inward, targeting America.

Far from “conspiracy theory,” the highest levels of America’s military and intelligence are, not just aware, aided by privatization of key security functions now “outsourced” to what can only be described as America’s real enemies.

The term those assigned the hopeless task of protecting America from the vast criminal empire that has seized “the high ground” in every aspect of society and culture use to describe what may well have already destroyed America is “bifurcation.”

Deep divisions within the military, intelligence and law enforcement organizations, divisions that now extend into the hundreds of “contractor” groups run by retirees, is now nearing open warfare.


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The treasonous group, calling themselves “right wing patriots,” a bizarre combination of adherents to the “Dominionist” apocalypse death cult, “middle management” of the drug cartels and Bolshevik “Neocons” totalitarians, have proven themselves willing and capable of any outrage.


Since the appointment of Bush (43) by the Supreme Court, a move increasingly accepted as a coup de etat by legal experts, a “nation within a nation” was established, answerable to no laws, domestic or international, no controls, no regulations, a government that faces no elections, no limitations on power, a “criminal gang” capable of waging war, controlling currencies and crashing economies.

The “Bifurcated Government of the United States,” a conglomeration of political extremists, secret societies and corporate criminals, has now turned “inward” after a decade of staging terror attacks, waging wars, looting economies and murdering millions.


When president Obama, last week at the White House Correspondents Dinner, spoke of Sheldon Adelson’s $100,000,000 personal “contributions” meant to buy the American presidential election, it was an admission of the “bifurcation” threat.

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Who “they” can’t buy, they smear or bankrupt or imprison or murder.  With control of several special operations commands and most military and “intelligence” (read “narcotics smuggling”) contractors, murders, packaged as suicides, illnesses, accidents or “street crimes,” have become commonplace.


Even the drones America has used to keep Afghanistan aflame as a cover for its $100 billion narcotics empire, stretching from Kabul to Bagdad to Dubai to Baku to Tel Aviv to Kosovo to Zurich, have now been brought home, armed and operating over America.

While the pop-culture media, very much a part of the mechanism of entropy, is tasked with its smears and deceptions, very real conspiracies, many highly classified, are now “on the radar” as a “clear and present danger” to America’s security.

Today’s story on Syria, another hoax claiming the US has announced plans for military intervention, is “business as usual” for America’s “not so secret” criminal masters.

Even when the American government refuses to accepted falsified intelligence or to be bullied or blackmailed into treason, the controlled media plants hoax articles too often used as “open source intelligence” by world leaders whose “handlers” are blind to internal struggles in the US.


From the list of “official” threats that can never be spoken of:

  1. Five acts of terrorism against America are officially recognized, under highest security classification, as “false flag.”  Among these are Oklahoma City, 9/11, Sandy Hook and Boston.
  2. The United States Supreme Court is controlled, a combination of bribery, blackmail and mental instability, allowing, not just the Bush 943) coup but the suspension of  all constitutional rights and full control of America’s electoral process  by drug cartels. (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 -2010)
  3. A Bush policy of forced integration of defense and intelligence firms with partner companies in  Israel has created a “superhighway” for espionage, placing America’s most sensitive military “tech” on the world market.
  4. Erosion of individual rights and a dramatic increase in unrestricted private data-mining, not just Google, but literal control of America’s communications infrastructure by foreign corporations tied to intelligence services, has quietly brought the long feared Orwellian threat to full fruition, shielded by its control of all information that would expose its capabilities and dire purpose.
  5. Key defense mechanisms, originally seized by the Bush/Cheney administration and moved outside accountability have allowed extremist political groups inside the US to wage war using government resources.  Most notable was the 2007 Barksdale/Minot nuclear incident where a religious cult seized a B-52 bomber armed with nine thermonuclear missiles, some of which are unaccounted.
  6. Under the guise of a secret protocol with Mexico to protect both nations from powerful drug cartels, heavily armed drones have been deployed up to 1000 miles inside the US.  These missions are both unauthorized by any constituted authority and quite likely represent a form of “piracy.”  “Bifurcation”  groups working with cartels can, at will, use these lethal systems to      simulate disasters, terror plots or eliminate potential opposition.
  7. Due to, not just massive political bribery through “Citizens United” but illegal redistricting called “Gerrymandering,” the US House of Representatives has been fully compromised, using its legislative role to war against America on behalf of criminal groups that now control all leadership positions in that legislative body.  Their role has been to paralyze the American government, protecting the interests of the criminal elements that are, at times, themselves shocked and sickened at the excesses of American politicians whose moral and ethical standards      would leave even Roman Emperor Caligula uneasy.


During the 1930s, Marine General Smedley Butler, spoke out against the use of America’s military might by organized crime.  In 1934, a treasonous cabal from the American Legion (a veterans groups tied to Italy’s Mussolini), Dupont Corporation and Merrill Lynch, tried to hire Butler to lead an insurrection, arresting the president and establishing a police state under Wall Street control.

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No student of American history is ever taught of this.  Even the internet has been cleansed of any mention of it, any mention that resembles the truth, that is.

Butler is unique in that he is the first and only military leader, a two time Medal of Honor winner, to speak out openly against, not just “gangsterism,” but the control Wall Street has had over the American military and, through the service academies, the officer corps, typically feudal, typically resentful of America’s dwindling freedoms.

From 1933, Smedley Butler:

“I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country’s most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

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Clearly, Butler foresaw the current state of affairs.  America’s military had been used at home many times, to rout veteran “bonus marchers,” to wage war on workers seeking unionization and a living wage and today, a “bifurcated” America, with key elements of taxpayer funded agencies and private “contractors” tirelessly waging a treasonous war on America’s people and their last remaining freedoms.


Moments after missile impact: Major Douglas Rokke, PhD, U.S. Army: "When you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile."

Fire fighters arrive & spray foam.

Missile exit hole.

Exit hole location.

Notice the lawn. Untouched, unscathed & no plane parts. Also take note of the black scarring of the building to the left.

Where is all that thick black smoke coming from? Notice the fire upper left.

The origin of the thick black smoke. But wait a minute. How far away is that fire and how did it get all the way over there? Those must be the offices of the auditors trying to figure out where the 2.3 trillion stolen dollars went that Don Rumsfeld claimed was "missing" on 9/10/2001.

Once again notice the black charring to the left but not to the right.

What are those fires doing way over there?

Notice how clean and how little damage there is to the right.

And now for the finale....

Here is your impact site. More Pentagon images here.
- See more at:


Do the American people have the right to know the nations with which the United States is at war? The Defense Department says no. When asked by senators to identify the groups being fought, the Pentagon said it’s a secret. The Pentagon did hand over a list of forces associated with al-Qaeda, but members of Congress who received the list were forbidden from sharing it with the public. ProPublica — an investigative news organization — contacted the office of Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and requested a copy of the enemies roster. Levin’s representatives refused.

From the Archive: Al-Qaeda History

Why such secrecy? Defense Department spokesmen say it’s a national security exigency. “Because elements that might be considered ‘associated forces’ can build credibility by being listed as such by the United States, we have classified the list,” the spokesman, Lt. Col. Jim Gregory, said, as reported by ProPublica. “We cannot afford to inflate these organizations that rely on violent extremist ideology to strengthen their ranks.”

Jack Goldsmith of Harvard University Law School disagrees. Goldsmith told ProPublica, “If the organizations are ‘inflated’ enough to be targeted with military force, why cannot they be mentioned publicly?” He believes there is “a countervailing very important interest in the public knowing who the government is fighting against in its name."

The New American recently reported that President Barack Obama is rapidly expanding the borders of the undeclared wars he’s waging in the name of the United States. Presumably, based on the president’s own prior statements, all the people being targeted by the vast Predator and Reaper drone fleets deployed worldwide are members of “Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and their associated forces.”

It’s the identity of these “associated forces” that is behind the belligerence boom.

Unless, of course, the “guilt by association” standard is for show and the current and former administrations will drop bombs wherever they want and then retroactively assign the requisite affiliation to the victims.

In a study entitled “How Many Wars Is the U.S. Fighting Today?” Harvard professor Linda Bilmes and Michael Intriligator of UCLA estimate that the United States government is fighting at least five “unannounced and undeclared” wars around the world.

The paper reports that these unconstitutional combat operations represent a “tradition of many previous covert US military incursions,” such as those carried out in past decades in Chile, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and others. With the advancement in drone technology, the government is able to be “involved in more conflicts worldwide.”

And the evidence is that the Obama administration is taking full advantage of those capabilities. The paper reported:

Today US military operations are involved in scores of countries across all the five continents. The US military is the world’s largest landlord, with significant military facilities in nations around the world, and with a significant presence in Bahrain, Djibouti, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Kyrgyzstan, in addition to long-established bases in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and the UK.

That list, of course, does not include the less well defined “military presence” in Colombia, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

Add to that the following summary of the combat operations published by Global Research:

Many smaller US military operations in Africa and the Middle East are increasingly utilizing drones. Former US Africa Command (AFRICOM) commander General Carter Ham stated in February that his forces required a 15-fold increase in surveillance and reconnaissance capacities for the continent. US Air Force drones have already been flying sorties across North Africa, and the US already operates drone bases in Djibouti, Ethiopia and the Seychelles.

As part of “Operation Nomad Shadow,” a secret US military surveillance program, the US military is currently launching drones from the Incirlik air base in Turkey to provide surveillance for the Turkish military in its campaign against the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The drones fly into northern Iraq to gather data, which is then transmitted to a “fusion cell” in Ankara for analysis.

If presented with this information, would President Obama claim that he has approved military activity in all these areas because there are active cells of al-Qaeda or its associates?

Or, alternatively, is the “War on Terror” simply an attractive curtain behind which the wizards in Washington carry out their imperialistic agenda, an agenda that has nothing to do with fighting terror, protecting national security, or promoting democracy and everything to do with expanding the reach of the cadre of covert monied interests that see every new war as a new revenue stream and the citizens of countries involved in the conflict as potential debtors.

From the Archive: Al-Qaeda History


Monday, January 22, 2007

Impeachment of U.S. President Albert Gore, Jr._REF: U.S. Supreme Ct_Case No. 00-949






U.S. President George W. Bush, watched by Vice President Dick Cheney, speaks before signing a $355 billion military spending bill in the Rose Garden of the White House October 23, 2002. The bill gave the Pentagon a nearly $40 billion boost as it prepared for possible war with Iraq, the White House said.


Impeachment of U.S. President Albert Gore, Jr._REF: U.S. Supreme Ct_Case No. 00-949


Constitutional Grounds for the Impeachment and Fraud Upon the Supreme Court, et al…



Only when America’s legally elected president, Al Gore, is returned to office and subjected to required impeachment proceedings, can constitutional authority in the United States be re-established.  Toward that end, all actions of the Bush (43) presidency are to be declared “null and void,” all treaties abrogated, all executive actions declared unlawful and all actions including but not limited to the establishment of the United States as a criminal empire undone.   The subsequent election of Barak Obama as president thus has no legal standing.  Gordon Duff and Lee Wanta)

Before the Supreme Court of the United States








The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the U.S.A. [hereafter the U.S. Constitution, or Constitution] are jointly the contract of specific performance between the U.S. citizens as the parties on one side of the agreement, and the U.S. government, its officers, employees, agents, and subcontractors as the parties on the other side of the agreement.

The duty to take care is affirmative. So is the duty faithfully to execute the office. A President must carry out the obligations of his office diligently and in good faith. The elective character and political role of a President make it difficult to define faithful exercise of his powers in the abstract. A President must make policy and exercise discretion. This discretion necessarily is broad, especially in emergency situations, but the constitutional duties of a President impose limitations on its exercise.

The “take care” duty emphasizes the responsibilty of a President for the overall conduct of the executive branch, which the Constitution vests in him alone. He must take care that the executive is so organized and operated that this duty is preformed.

The duty of a President to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” to the best of his ability includes the duty not to abuse his powers or transgress their limits — not to violate the rights of citizens, such as those guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and not to act in derogation of powers vested elsewhere by the Constitution.

Please Note : - Each of the thirteen American impeachments involved charges of misconduct incompatible with the official position of the officeholder. This conduct falls into three broad categories:

  1. exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office in derogation of the powers of another branch of government;
  2. behaving in a manner grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office; and
  3. employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.


This show explores the extensive executive powers claimed by President Bush in the name of national security. Professor Constance Rudnick will have two capable experts on the program, Kate Martin and Lyle Denniston. Martin is Director of the Center for National Security Studies, a human rights and civil liberties group in Washington, D.C.. Martin is an acknowledged expert on issues of presidential power in America, especially the growth in that power since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Denniston is a veteran U.S. Supreme Court reporter who appears regularly on Massachusetts School of Law programming.

In 1973, long before George W. Bush or his father took office and claimed that the president is exempt from much of the rule of law, Arthur Schlesinger said, in his book, The Imperial Presidency that the office was already out of control and in need of definition and restraint. The same is now being said about the presidency of George W. Bush. Professors, politicians, and even some members of the press have said that the power and authority exercised by the present administration is astonishing in breadth, scope and consequence. Is the democratic, open ethos of the United States in danger?

The Massachusetts School of Law, located in Andover, Massachusetts, makes high quality, affordable legal education available to less privileged persons who are traditionally excluded from the legal profession. As part of its mission of providing high quality education and information for both law students and the general public, the Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public via television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit MSLAW podcasts are available from MSLAW videos are available from Google Video.






A Question of Law: The John Roberts Supreme Court




The USS Constitution




Is the Supreme Court the most powerful governing body in America? This program will examine what we can expect from the Roberts’ court. How will it rule on major issues that will, without a doubt, come before it, such as abortion, the war on terrorism, physician assisted suicide, etc.

Massachusetts School of Law Question of Law Presents "The Roberts Court: Change & Continuity,” hosted by Constance Rudnick, a Professor of Law at the Massachusetts School of Law. Rudnick is joined by Lyle Denniston a 40-year veteran of Supreme Court Reporting.

The Massachusetts School of Law, located in Andover, Massachusetts, makes high quality, affordable legal education available to less privileged persons who are traditionally excluded from the legal profession. As part of its mission of providing high quality education and information for both law students and the general public, the Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public via television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit MSLAW podcasts are available from MSLAW videos are available from Google Video.




By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Kim Jong-il, “Supreme Leader” of North Korea can now hire a lawyer, Rudi Guliani maybe, pay a $35 fee and buy the United States Senate.  He can then pass laws to turn our military technology over to North Korea and “borrow” our navy to use the Pacific Ocean as his private bath tub.  The Mexican drug cartels can hire a lawyer, pay a $35 fee and buy a chunk of Congress too.  They can open the border, set up drug distribution across the US unfettered by unpleasant laws and agencies.

In fact, we may actually end up blackmailing countries into buying legislators just to keep safe from trade barriers or being put on “terrorist” lists.  I can foresee something akin to a stockmarket where, based on electoral prospects and committee assignments, legislators could go up and down in price like any other stock.  Imagine the embarrassment of constituents when they find their Senator is trading at bottom basement prices because of a mistress or some other indiscretion.  At least there won’t be any worry about bribes anymore.  Those will all be legal

It isn’t all that hard to overthrow a key law or legal protection under our current system.  All that is required is 4 or 5 lines to be added to an appropriations bill.  They only need to  become “Delaware corporations” and, according to our oddly influenced Supreme Court, they can do anything they wish.  They wish, let me tell you, they wish.  They can afford, let me tell you, they can afford to buy all the freedom and democracy we are willing to sell and the Supreme Court put the whole pile of it on the auction block.

We knew we had the worst Supreme Court in our history.  Half educated and mentally ill justices were nominated and bullied thru the Senate ratification process, yes through a United States Senate that was also one of the worst in our history, famous for spinelessness and greed.  The court began its path to taking control of the country thru overturning a presidential election, elections that are and have been jokes anyway, with a two party system long under the control of “fixers” and special interests.  Now, under the guise of giving “free speech” rights to corporations, the court has created nothing “free,” far from it.  It has given political control of the United States, control long wielded thru a soulless corporate media to any group, gang, cartel, foreign intelligence service or government that can hire a lawyer and file a form.

Within two electoral cycles, every law protecting the people of the United States and even the corporations they work for can be overturned by foreign interests that will buy control of every elected body in the United States.  No law, no regulation, no rule can stand, not under the deluge of cash heading our way like a storm.  American politics had, long ago, become a commodity to be bought and sold much had our justice system.  Money always bought access, money always bought influence and money bought “representation” that placed the powerful above the law, at least some of the time.  No society is classless, no society is perfect.  Our Constitution kept a balance, one sided for sure, but was there.  This is why Americans fought and died for it, why we love and respect it and why we will miss it.  It was never perfect, it needed the Bill of Rights and, so far has been amended 27 times.

We have had a long history of corporations getting into politics.  Then, however, the corporations were American.  They were known as the “Robber Barons” and American entered a period of corruption, poverty and near slavery as child labor, laws against unions, “the company store” and paid thugs ruled over American workers, workers fed milk made of chalk, bread made with wood and axle grease and half of America’s children died before the age of 6.  When the political power of corporations ended, these abuses stopped and we built the America we know today.  We have been down this road, we know it well, it is written into every history book.

Recent history has proven we still have Robber Barons.  Enron ran the early Bush administration like a hand puppet.  We arrested and imprisoned Bernie Madoff, one Robber Baron.  500 went free and are back at it, bribing public officials with money given to them, “bail out money,” meant to “save” our crumbling financial system, a system we know they will “crumble” again when enough suckers start investing again.

Our current system, imperfect though it is, with “gerrymandering” Congressional districts after each census and lobbyists secretly writing all our laws, is still “our” system, at least mostly ours.  That is going to end.  When America lost it’s wallet in the great crash and our national debt went to over 12 trillion dollars, the money in our corporations, the money and full control, moved overseas.  Not all corporations are evil.  Foreign ownership isn’t necessarily bad.  Most corporations  are businesses, manufacturing, trade, oil exploration and such.  However many are not.

In fact, laws that allow corporations to own corporations that own corporations makes it possible for any group, any dictator, criminal gang or even a foreign government to incorporate in places such as the British Virgin Islands.  Those corporations can then incorporate in the United States.  Now that the Supreme Court has given these secret organizations virtual citizenship with all the rights and none of the responsibilities, the real people of America, the ones who live and breathe, the ones who vote, raise children and fight for their country have now become meaningless.

We all know that money buys media.  The “Swiftboaters” proved that lies can swing any election.  It was Karl Rove’s “Manchurian Candidate” story that kept John McCain from being elected president in 2000.  These are nothing compared to the influence dictators and drug cartels can buy.

Once they buy influence, they then change laws.  Once laws are changed, they anything they want can be made legal or illegal, depending on what they wish.  There is nothing to stop them from opening the prisons and letting anyone out or jailing anyone they wish.  The Supreme Court once protected us from that.  Now they are only a joke.  From now on, judges around the country, from every city to the Federal Appeals Court and even the Supreme Court will be chosen by the foreign owned “cash soaked” corporations that can make or break any politician from dog catcher to President of the United States.

Laws can be passed to regulate the news, license reporters or tax the internet.  Books and movies can be banned, not on religious or moral grounds but because they may have insulted Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.  He is certain to use his oil money to buy a big chunk of Washington.  Maybe he and his friend Castro can get a little hammer and sickle stuck on the flag somewhere.

You say this all sounds like “too much?”  During the 30s, most states had forced sterilization laws, “eugenics” they called it.  Children were sterilized if a parent was an alcoholic or held “unusual political views.”  In schools, kids recited the pledge of allegiance will doing a Nazi salute.  This and a hundred other odd but easily verifiable facts were surgically removed from the history we teach our children.  Anyone who thinks that absolute power breeds moderation and civic responsibility is as insane as, well as a Supreme Court Justice.